Using the ‘Charge My Ride’ mobile app, electric car owners will have access to more charging points at the lowest rates in Europe
By the end of this year, drivers of electric vehicles will have access to a total of 362 charging points in public places around Malta and Gozo. To facilitate access to charging pillars, a website and mobile app have been developed so that the public can be served more efficiently.
The mobile app ‘Charge My Ride’ can be downloaded from the Playstore and the Appstore, while the site offers more information on the use of charging pillars, the place where they are locate the charging pillars and the applicable charges.
Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects Ian Borg said, “It is crucial that we continue to work to achieve our decarbonisation goals and government, including through its budget measures. year, reaffirmed its commitment and environmental vision. We have seen that we continue to lift the burden of the people and help them even financially through increased grants, in addition to giving free public transport to everyone. “
“The government is in favour of moving towards the electrification of vehicles and therefore, with an investment of € 40 million from European funds, by 2030 we will not electrify the entire public transport fleet. In addition, an agreement was signed to convert the fleet of 870 government vehicles to electricity as well. The installation of these charging pillars will be a closer step that even goes hand in hand with the Low Carbon Strategy, a development plan where on our part as the Ministry of Transport we will be implementing measures to continue moving towards our vision of decarbonization. It is through these collaborations and work that we will be reaching the required targets. “

Energy Minister Miriam Dalli explained how this transition to decarbonisation creates a new investment opportunity and offers employment opportunities in the manufacturing sector. In fact, Trelleborg is one of the companies in Malta that manufactures components for electric vehicles.
Parliamentary Secretary for European Funds Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi explained how this project, out of a total expenditure of around € 3 million, € 1 million comes from European funds.

He recalled that, as part of the Recovery and Resilience Plan, the European Union had accelerated the launch of electric mobility by proposing more ambitious targets. Further such infrastructure developments are expected to be made through European funds for the next seven years.