At a meeting in the Auberge de Castille, Prime Minister Robert Abela and Commissioner Dunja Mijatović discussed the safeguards and implementations that strengthen human rights and fundamental freedoms and that is subsequently implementing the Maltese government in this regard through several major reforms.
In this context, the Prime Minister referred to the intensive work done in recent months by the government to further strengthen the democratic framework in our country, good governance, the rule of law and protections. human rights.
Prime Minister Robert Abela emphasized the government’s strong commitment to ensuring that journalists are better protected and pledged its full support in the ongoing efforts to strengthen journalists’ rights at European level.
During the meeting, the Prime Minister thanked Commissioner Mijatović for her tireless work in promoting the ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women. and Domestic Violence that our country ratified back in 2014. He also reiterated that the Maltese government will continue to give the necessary importance to this symbolic and significant Treaty.
Dr Abela referred to the challenges posed by the continued influx of irregular immigrants and the need for effective solidarity and a fair sharing of responsibility with various states, including Malta, which continue to face disproportionate pressures.
Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatović praised the reforms that this government has embarked on in the area of good governance, strengthening rule of law and civil rights.
Commissioner Mijatović was also converging with the Prime Minister on irregular immigration and consequently stressed that this is a challenge for the whole EU and not for a few member states. She said she was committed to further strengthening her efforts to ensure that the concept of solidarity between member states was fully implemented.
Referring to the field of equality, Commissioner Mijatović noted how our country has approved a law that will ensure greater gender representation in Parliament through a corrective mechanism that will be put in place by the next general election.
The Commissioner concluded her intervention by praising the efforts being made by the Maltese Government in connection with various recommendations that the government is committed to working on in order to continue to protect the work of journalists in our country.

Photos: OPM