49 former Shipyard workers were among the first to receive compensation checks after suffering from Asbestosis poisoning. These details were announced at a news conference by Ministers Michael Falzon and Clyde Caruana. Among those present were some former Malta Drydocks workers and their families.
Minister Clyde Caruana said, “This government has always been, is and will remain close to the workers. The government is aware that the damage done to the health of these workers cannot be remedied but the government is acknowledging what has happened in the past and the least it can do is to provide financial compensation. ” He explained that the amounts awarded range from € 5,800 to € 16,600, with the highest amounts being given to those who have been most adversely affected by this condition.
Minister Caruana said that during the last months, the ministry has appointed 4 medical doctors who have evaluated in detail each case so that justice is being done in the amounts given. He explained that this compensation was granted on three criteria: the severity of the disability that arose, the number of years of illness and the age at which the person died in those cases in which the the compensation will be given to the heirs.
The minister said that out of the 300 applications submitted, 200 of them are from people who are no longer with us. In this case, the process will determine who are the heirs of these former workers to get the recognition of their fathers. The minister concluded that there are still people who have not yet applied and therefore the applications will be reopened next November.
Minister Michael Falzon said that this exercise is another among many in the last years of the Labor administration, which continues to give assurance to the people that someone is paying attention. This is even though 50 years have passed in this specific case. Minister Falzon referred to another promise that has been fulfilled with the workers of the bodies who have suffered injustices in the past.

“Today’s occasion was not one of celebration but more of recognition. As a government we are acknowledging what former Shipyard workers and their families have suffered and are still going through. Although no one knew about the effects of asbestos at the time, we still felt that we should do justice to these families. Therefore, a Labor government is the government of social justice, the government of the social soul “, concluded Minister Falzon.
Photos (DOI / MFE)