During a Cabinet meeting on Monday morning the government announced a € 20 million investment in an international standard motor racing track at Hal Far.
A karting track and drag racing track already at Hal Far will undergo a major renovation.
When Prime Minister Robert Abela gave details about the truck project in Ħal Far this morning, he gave as much importance to the needs of the surrounding residents as to the project itself.
The Prime Minister explained how this must be a top-level project that everyone enjoys.
A. The new plans take up much less land than any plans that have been proposed in years past. As little land as possible has been taken and no ODZ land will be touched.
B. Noise studies have been carried out and while it has been ensured that there will be no negative impact on the surrounding residents, mitigation steps will be taken to reduce noise from activities already organized in Ħal Far.
C. Everything will be regulated to include new standards in this regard as well.
D. The fact that the truck will be complemented by a complex also designed to attract sports tourism will raise the level of the surrounding.