This morning, a new publication was launched by Maltese academics, offering broad analysis on reforms and changes that have taken place in the Public Service since 2013. The research was placed in a historical context of other previous reforms with a scientific survey on the impacts of the changes implemented.
This publication by Springer, edited by Professor Frank Bezzina, Dr Emanuel Camilleri, and Dr Vincent Marmara, reviewed the renewal process that took place since 2013 and the impact on the service, the client, and government employees. This analysis provides the Public Service with the opportunity to consolidate what has been done and prepare for its strengthening, through a new five-year strategy.
The book ‘Public Service Reforms in a Small Island State: The Case of Malta’, was launched today by Principal Permanent Secretary Mario Cutajar together with one of the authors, Professor Frank Bezzina. With the first in-depth research of its kind, this study entered the historical background and analysed the social impact of the Public Service reforms.
“In contrast to other reforms in the past, we analysed the implemented changes immediately. We did not allow many years to pass. Research has shown that the Public Service is able to renew itself to meet the needs and aspirations of its clients. As a result of these reforms, today we have a proactive Public Service serving as a leader in various areas”, said Head of Public Service Mario Cutajar.
Professor Frank Bezzina said that research shows there have never been so many changes in such a short time. “The majority of reforms took place in recent years, with those implemented between 2014 and 2017 accounting for 55% of all reforms of the Public Service,” explained Professor Bezzina.

With this publication, Malta is now serving as a reference point for other small island states, with the Public Service being considered as a case study for reforms in public services and their successful implementation.