The Silver-T service, a free transport service for the 60+ senior citizens who would need to visit service providers in their locality, will, as from today, be extended.
During a press conference, Minister for Senior Citizens and Active Ageing Michael Farrugia announced that this service will now be provided in St Pauls’ Bay, which is the 20th locality which will be offering this service. The service will cover Xemxija, Qawra and Buġibba.
“With the announcement of this measure, the Ministry for Senior Citizens will have accomplished 90% of the budgetary measures for this year and, in the coming weeks, we will be implementing the last measure, so the Ministry will have accomplished all measures,” Minister Farrugia announced.
Minister Michael Farrugia said that the Department for Active Ageing and Community Care processes over 700 requests monthly, from senior citizens of the respective localities for this convenient transport.
“In addition, the Department is aiming to provide this service nationally”, said Minister Michael Farrugia.
The Silver-T service operates from Monday to Friday, from 7.00am to 2.00pm. It provides transport for senior citizens wishing to call for a service at places such as the local bank, the market/shopping centre, the health clinic, the local council office and other such entities. The Silver-T service takes the senior citizens from their residence to anywhere in the same locality.
Senior citizens interested in using this service are to call the call centre on 21695544 between 7:00am and 2:00pm, Monday to Friday. Bookings are not taken earlier that three days in advance but not later that two days before the actual day. Further information about this service can be found on the website www.activeageing.gov.mt.