Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Evarist Bartolo took part in the Dubrovnik Forum ‘Together in a Divided World’. He stated that we are in the same storm, but in different boats; there are those who have been saved and healed, and there are those who have sunk.
He referred to realities that several countries are facing where he said that during the pandemic five million individuals became millionaires, but another 41 million are facing hunger, with 200 million people losing their jobs.
“During the pandemic, nine countries spent seventy-two billion dollars on new nuclear weapons, but we do not have two billion dollars to keep thousands of babies from dying of malaria in Africa, and six billion to keep millions from starving.”
Minister Bartolo stated that there are countries which have been hit hard by Covid-19 and found enough recources to invest in weapons but do not have money to spend on health and vaccinations to save their people.
Minister Bartolo concluded that we need to learn to live together and not let the differences between us divide us.
“If we continue to split ourselves into groups against each other, we will not solve the great challenges of today and tomorrow within our tiny world.”

Photos: MFEA