The Minister for Gozo launches the Work Trial Scheme for Youths

For another year, the Minister for Gozo Clint Camilleri launched the scheme known as the Work Trial Scheme for Youths, which can benefit those young Gozitans aged between 16 and 20 who are looking for work for this summer.

At a news conference, Minister Camilleri explained that those students who attend a secondary school, MCAST, ITS, Junior College or University, are also eligible for this scheme.

These young people can work with the private sector or with a voluntary organization (VO). This is while the employer must be registered with Jobsplus in order to be able to employ young people with him with this scheme and the work must only be on the island of Gozo.

To this the Minister for Gozo reiterated that “as a Government we have always believed in young people, even in order to pave the way for them in the world of work. With this scheme, apart from giving more opportunities to young Gozitans in the months when they do not attend school, in Gozo itself, we will also be serving as a shoulder for many businesses on this island. which will embrace this scheme. “

The Minister for Gozo launches the Work Trial Scheme for Youths

For another year, the Minister for Gozo Clint Camilleri launched the scheme known as the Work Trial Scheme for Youths, which can benefit those young Gozitans aged between 16 and 20 who are looking for work for this summer.

At a news conference, Minister Camilleri explained that those students who attend a secondary school, MCAST, ITS, Junior College or University, are also eligible for this scheme.

These young people can work with the private sector or with a voluntary organization (VO). This is while the employer must be registered with Jobsplus in order to be able to employ young people with him with this scheme and the work must only be on the island of Gozo.

To this the Minister for Gozo reiterated that “as a Government we have always believed in young people, even in order to pave the way for them in the world of work. With this scheme, apart from giving more opportunities to young Gozitans in the months when they do not attend school, in Gozo itself, we will also be serving as a shoulder for many businesses on this island. which will embrace this scheme. “

Applications will open on Monday 5 July and close on Friday 9 July, until noon.

To apply go to

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