Between 20 May and 30 June 2021 more than two million logins were registered in the eID account. This was the period when two important systems of government were opened: the vouchers distributed to all residents and the Covid-19 vaccine certificate.
In total there were 2,193,731 logins during this period, in fact, during the month of June alone there were 1,503,033 logins in the eID account. At the same time there were 34,822 requests to change the eID account password while 24,058 new accounts were activated. During the same period this section received and assisted 9,878 phone calls while 27,424 emails were answered.
The most used day of the eID account was May 20, the day the second round of € 100 government vouchers was launched, with most logins, 750 per minute , were made while the evening news was being broadcast.
Another clear demonstration of the efficiency of Identity Malta is that in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and health authorities in order to issue the European vaccine certificate.
Another additional challenge is that related to Brexit. As agreed in the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement, Britons living in Malta have had a long time to apply for a beneficiary residence status which expired on 30 June, in accordance with the agreed rules. . Here too the Identity Malta Agency had to create adequate structures that worked successfully.
In fact, the number of these applications exceeded 9,500, of which 7,000 are already approved because they had a residence card.
Parliamentary Secretary for Citizenship and Communities Alex Muscat thanked the staff of Identity Malta for the efficiency with which they responded to the circumstances.
The Chief Executive of Identity Malta Agency Anton Sevasta expressed satisfaction that the agency offered a service to so many thousands of people in a short time. It reiterated the agency’s commitment to be compliant and up-to-date on its digital systems in order to facilitate as much as possible and serve the needs of its clients.