With an investment of more than € 2 million, the Directorate focused on the Alternative Care of children and young people within the FSWS is building a building in Santa Venera which under one roof will bring together the services of fostering, adoptions, looked after children, supervised access service, medical care by the Directorate’s pediatric consultant and specialist nurses, services for young people in alternative care and aftercare, as well as socio-legal service of the Directorate.
The Minister for Solidarity and Social Justice, the Family and the Rights of the Child Michael Falzon, the Chief Executive of FSWS Alfred Grixti, together with a number of other professionals in the sector, visited this the building is already in an advanced state. This is part of the ‘Government for the People’ campaign, with this project it will continue to bring social services closer to the community. Minister Michael Falzon explained how this government had made an election promise in 2013, setting up a fostering and adoption agency.
“But not only have we done this, we have set up a Directorate focused on the alternative care of children and young people which, through this building, will now be operating from one building.”
The new building will mean that families will find everything in one place, including supervised viewing rooms, all of which are designed according to the needs of the children. In this building, about 200 employees of the Directorate will be offering their services.
FSWS Chief Executive Alfred Grixti said it is planned that this building will start operating from June 2022.
“The building, in addition to being modern, is built according to the highest health and safety standards, and is accessible to everyone. A building that will above all be serving children in alternative care, young people and families in need in order to build positive aspirations for the future. ”