The government and Aġenzija Sapport signed a social agreement of €3.7 million with Fondazzjoni Wens, an increase of almost half a million euro when compared to the 2018 contract, which covers Dar il-Wens and Dar l-Abbiltà in Kalkara, as well as Dar Merħba in Fgura. This agreement covers 35 beds in total.
This collaboration further widens the availability of residential services for persons with disability, provides them with a safe environment and a multidisciplinary team from Aġenzija Sapport, which will be assessing, following-up and reviewing the individual plans of these residents, in order to ensure that they are protected and provided with a service of quality.
During the signing of this agreement, Minister for Inclusion and Social Wellbeing Julia Farrugia Portelli explained that this residence supports independent living. In fact, residents go to work and return to this residence every day.
The Minister said that this three year agreement clearly shows how much this government is invested in persons with disability and shows how much it is committed to further improve their quality of life. The Minister explained that, by means of this funding, Fondazzjoni Wens will be offering residential services to 35 persons with disability. These services cover accommodation, health and safety, food, as well as activities which form an integral part of a typical day of these residents. Minister Farrugia Portelli stated that the Ministry for Inclusion and Social Wellbeing offers funds to a number of NGOs, which in total offer residential service to 114 persons with disability.
Aġenzija Sapport CEO Ms Ruth Rose Sciberras stressed that this agreement further strengthens the collaboration between the two parties and also improves the processes involved in providing the service. Ms Sciberras stressed that this joint collaboration is always in the best interest of persons with disability and, over the years, this service has continued to develop so that all residential services will be in line with established standards.
Fondazzjoni Wens Director Mr Ronald Galea said that this financial assistance by the government is important since it will help persons with disability receive the best quality of life.
This agreement was signed by the Permanent Secretary Mr Matthew Vella, Aġenzija Sapport CEO Ms Ruth Rose Sciberras and Fondazzjoni Wens Director Ronald Galea.