During a visit to David’s Bakery, the Minister for Gozo Clint Camilleri noted the success of this company which not only managed to meet the challenges over the years but also continued to explore new horizons, expand its operations and today their products are not only sold in the local market but are exported abroad.
Over the past 29 years, David’s Bakery has continued to expand and today, this family business employs 55 people.
Minister Camilleri said that, “This was a company that kept the workers in the pandemic and continued with its operation. It is companies such as David’s Bakery, which embrace a vision and fully believe in their products that will continue to create more jobs in Gozo for Gozitans. ” It was such companies, which invested and helped, even in times of pandemic, to strengthen the field of employment in Gozo, as ninety percent (90%) of Gozitans lost their jobs during the pandemic, resumed work, the minister said.