Prime Minister Robert Abela together with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Health Chris Fearne visited a new vaccination center which joined the list of dozens of places where the COVID-19 vaccine is being given around Malta and Gozo.
With the opening of this center in Naxxar, the Government is stepping up the vaccination rate given to the public and thus is moving the vaccination plan forward by several weeks. In fact, people over the age of 50 are currently registering for the vaccine.
Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne thanked the FMS workers who are doing the necessary work to increase the vaccination centers around Malta and Gozo. He appealed to anyone who is entitled with age to the vaccine to apply on vaccin.gov.mt or an SMS permit. He stressed the importance of vaccinating everyone in order to have a strong nation.
While he was able to follow closely the behind-the-scenes work in the vaccination process, Prime Minister Robert Abela thanked and greeted all those present for their work.
Dr Abela also expressed his appreciation for the good number of students who in their free time are offering their service in these vaccination centers with the aim of increasing the vaccination rate in our country. continues to be among the best in the world.
Filmed: https://we.tl/t-SwhMtegpNc