The television production ‘Mużika Mużika – Festival Kanzunetta Maltija’ came to an end Saturday evening after an absence of eight years.
A return that was welcomed greatly by the Maltese public. At the end of the televised production, Minister for National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government José Herrera presented the ‘Mużika Mużika’ trophy to the composer, author, and singer of the winning song.
Minister Herrera stated, “I would like to first congratulate the winner and thank all the participants for being part of this competition, which aimed to give a unique and suitable platform for Maltese music. My appreciation goes to all the organisers, including the team at Festivals Malta, who worked closely with cultural entities within the Ministry for National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government, together with the national orchestra, to produce three memorable productions through which we celebrated all that we stand for as a nation, our mother tongue: the Maltese language in its best form of classic and contemporary music.”
“I am committed to see this festival taking its rightful place on the Maltese cultural calendar, as through it we have managed to bring joy to many during these difficult circumstances that we are facing. Through this excellent and professional production, we have revived a new sense of hope for normality during these difficult times”, concluded Minister Herrera.
In an informal press conference after the show, the second and third placing songs where presented with their respective trophies. A trophy was also presented to the songs with the best musical arrangement and that with the best interpretation.
The ‘Mużika Mużika’ Chairman Raymond Bugeja commented that he is very proud with the level of this production, as well as that of the participating songs. “This contest not only celebrated the Maltese language, but also Maltese music, authors, composers and local talent in general, and the great response we received for it is a testament of the public’s want for it.”
Festivals Malta CEO, Annabelle Stivala explained that through this production, Festivals Malta managed to give new opportunities to local artists. “Festivals Malta has always worked to give suitable recognition to local artists. Through this production we managed to not only give a suitable platform to singers, composers, and authors, but also to the Maltese Song.” Stivala continued, “We are very happy with the level of this production and how we managed to work in cooperation with all those involved in this production, as well as with the support we have received for ‘Mużika Mużika’.”
Festivals Malta, together with the Ministry for National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government, thanks all those involved in this production, the Maltese public for their support and all the artists for their participation.
The winning songs are:
Song: Ħarsa Biss
Singer: Glen Vella
Composer: Philip Vella
Author: Joe Julian Farrugia
Song: Għajjejt Inħobb
Singer: Christian Arding
Composer: Gilbert Bibi Camilleri
Author: Rita Pace
Song: L-Ewwel Jien
Singer: Kantera
Composer: Elton Zarb
Author: Joe Julian Farrugia
Song: Sinfonija Ħiemda
Arrangement: Norbert Camilleri
Song: Għajjejt Inħobb
Singer: Christian Arding
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Photos: Festivals Malta