The Minister for the Elderly and Active Aging Michael Farrugia reiterated the importance for senior citizens to continue to live independently in the community.
“It is therefore important that as a Government we continue to work to offer them the opportunities, facilities and services to continue living in the community as much as possible.”
He said this at a news conference during which he announced that through the Department of Active Aging and Community Care (AACC) the elderly will be benefiting from discounts on various products through the launch of the Kartanzan.
Through a booklet published by the Department of Active Aging and Community Care (AACC) which will be distributed to all households in Malta and Gozo with all the offers of the Elderly Card scheme included, a detailed explanation will be given. of three important services the department offers. These are the Home Nursing and Caring Service, the Dementia Intervention Team Service, and the Carer at Home Scheme.
The booklet is providing a full list of more than 20 services the department offers and information on new work and services for seniors.
Through the scheme announced today, senior citizens over the age of 60 who have a valid Maltese identity card can benefit from a number of discounts from different shops and services around Malta and Gozo.