The protected rents reform is increasingly being considered as a solution which addresses the current situation and which will also result in a major leap forward.
The Ministry for Social Accommodation met with a group of landlords who own such controlled rent, as part of the public consultation exercise with all stakeholders affected by this reform.
Minister Roderick Galdes acknowledged that this was a problem the owners had been facing for decades. “In all these years, no one wanted to take cognizance of this situation. This government has rolled up its sleeves and is addressing this challenge as today we have a strong housing system that offers a variety of assistance to those in need”, said Minister Galdes.
He added that this Government’s intervention is balanced, as tenants in need of protection will be helped with strong subsidies, especially in the case of pensioners where the increase in rent will be covered by the Housing Authority.
Tenants who happen to have enough assets or other properties will be deprived of the protection of the old leases and the property will be returned to the owner.
Minister Galdes claimed that this reform is doing justice to the owners who will start receiving a fair return from their property after many years of unfairness.
During the meeting, Minister Galdes also recalled that there is an existing scheme provided by the Housing Authority that finances structural works (up to a maximum of €10,000) on old properties with protected rents.
The Housing Authority has an important role in the reform. With a new unit the Authority will be providing coordination through professionals and legal assistance to those in need.