Farsons awarded in Malta VET Awards

Simonds Farsons Cisk plc was recently awarded the Training at Work Award in the Malta VET Awards in a ceremony
organised by the Ministry of Education on 23rd February.

The Malta VET Awards, a series of awards for the Vocational Learning and Training sector, were launched by the
Ministry of Education in October 2020, as part of a programme of initiatives to celebrate the vocational sector.
The Training at Work Award recognises the value of professional and practical on-the-job learning practices for
employees and highlights the importance of lifelong learning. The learning programme at Farsons is a comprehensive
one, including technical, people and management development as well as learning on wellbeing, diversity and

Antoinette Caruana, Group HR Manager and Company Secretary said that “the Farsons Group believes that the
successful performance of the organisation is very much linked to the performance of its people and their continued
development and learning at work. Developing employees and potential employees, including apprentices, to deliver
sustainable and quality driven operations, to be creative, to be engaged and to adapt is a critical aspect of the Farsons
Group’s mission.”

Photo: Minister for Education Justyne Caruana presenting the Training at Work award to Ms Antoinette
Caruana, Group HR Manager and Company Secretary, Simonds Farsons Cisk plc (centre) and Ms Mariella Galea,
L & D and Performance Manager, Simonds Farsons Cisk plc.