Minister Abela visits various radio stations on International Radio Day

On the occasion of International Radio Day, Minister within the Office of the Prime Minister Carmelo Abela visited a number of radio stations, where the theme of the day for this year is evolution, innovation and connections.

This is a day which was first proclaimed by UNESCO in 2011 and a year later adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations. Radio celebrates human diversity and helps spread the concept of democracy.

To mark this day, Minister Abela visited 89.7 Bay, ONE Radio, Radju Malta and Magic Malta during morning time, which is synonymous with breakfast shows which kick off another day of radio broadcasting.

In his intervention on national station Radju Malta, the Minister stated that, despite technological advancements, in 2021 radio is still the main means of reaching people around the world, and said that radio is a medium which both educates and serves as a means of entertainment. Moreover, radio is also a comfort for those who may be experiencing a difficult time or who have even experienced solitude.

Minister Abela also mentioned the role of the listeners, who not only listen but are also part of the radio, some by simply requesting a song, and others by intervening during a discussion or debate. 

He concluded by saying that, as a task of the government in the national station, work is being done to make the operation of national stations increasingly professional and accessible to all.

Photo: MSD