Malta’s tourism authorities have announced that commercial bars will be receiving a one-time payment of €2,870 covering the four-month period they have been ordered shut, from 28th October till 28th February.
The Hospitality Sector has been very hard hit by the continued prevalence of the COVID-19 pandemic with international travel down to historically low levels. Places of social gathering and entertainment have been following restrictions in operating in response to the Health Authorities’ strategy to curb the spread of the virus. Such a situation has placed undue hardship and pressure on bars and clubs which have had to endure a lengthy period of closure in line with Government’s COVID-19 mitigation measures.
Following Prime Minister Robert Abela’s declaration of Government’s commitment to continue sustaining the country’s bars and clubs with additional measures which go beyond the Wage Supplement, in compensation for their long-term closure, the Malta Tourism Authority is allocating a budget of Euro 2,200,000 for distribution to these establishments.
The allocated budget is intended to allow such establishments to ready themselves for the eventual reopening in the light of expected improvements associated with the rollout of vaccination programmes locally and worldwide.

“We understand the difficulties and sacrifice bar owners have undertaken over these months,” Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo said.
Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) CEO Johann Buttigieg explained that bars have been split into three categories. The first, commercial bars – that is standard privately operated bars and pubs, will receive the €2,870 payment.
The second category refers to bars forming part of clubs (każini) – and are registered with the Commissioner of Police not the MTA. Bars in this category will be receiving a €1,860 payment covering the same period.
Finally, the third category, refers to non-political clubs (każini) band clubs, football clubs and any other club based on a hobby and is registered with the Commissioner of Police, will receive a €1,260 payment covering the same four month period.
Bar owners have between 1st March and 15th March to submit their application for funding by entering the MTA website. On the front page, prospective applicants should click on ‘latest news’, and will be directed to the relevant applications.
On Thursday Prime Minister Robert Abela announced that bars and clubs would remain closed until the end of February.
They have been closed since the end of October and were due to reopen next Monday, 1st February but current Covid-19 conditions has meant the closure will be extended.
Official information leaflet below.