Teatru Salesjan and HELA Foundation (Hub for Excellence in the Literary Arts) are the award winners of Il-Premju tal-President għall-Kreattività 2020.
This recognition at the highest level of the State is divided into two strands: Strand 1 provides support for capacity building and development in the field of cultural projects with communities, while Strand 2 provides support for cultural projects and programmes with the community. The initiative is aimed at raising awareness on diversity and facilitating, supporting, and disseminating good practice with regard to the right to culture and inclusivity. The two winning projects, which were officially announced on social media on Friday 22nd January 2021, received a total amount of €75,000 over three years.
In his address, President of Malta George Vella spoke about how the cultural sector was among those badly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic throughout last year. Cultural activities are currently hampered by restrictions imposed by the Health Authorities, which greatly limit public participation. He noted that the two award-winning projects have a common goal – to grow, strengthen and renew the sense of community, which many of our localities, cities and villages have unfortunately lost, neglected, or failed to renew. “This is the time to think long-term about innovating and creating new ideas, finding opportunities for creative expression and, why not, also strengthening accessibility and inclusion through creativity,” said the President.
Minister for the National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government José Herrera said that the award provides special recognition and support to projects aimed at improving the quality of life for everyone, through culture and the arts. He said that, in challenging times like these, artists are coming up with creative solutions and providing the inspiration we all need, to strengthen solidarity and pursue continuous community development and improvement of the quality of life – at both individual and community levels.
Il-Premju tal-President għall-Kreattività is managed jointly by the Office of the President and the Malta Council for the Arts.