The Principal Permanent Secretary presents ‘Governance: Action on the Ombudsman’s Annual Report 2019’ to the President of Malta

Principal Permanent Secretary Mr Mario Cutajar has presented the publication ‘Governance: Action on the Ombudsman’s Annual Report 2019’ to President of Malta George Vella.

This publication encompasses all complaints received by the Ombudsman’s Office concerning the Public Service, and how the Public Service has worked to resolve them. This is the first time that such a publication has been presented to the President.

The Principal Permanent Secretary said that this publication corrected the information that had been given to the President on his visit to the Ombudsman’s Office. He said that, in fact, 98% of the cases closed by the Ombudsman were considered to be either unjustified or had been properly addressed by the Public Service. Mr Cutajar said the reality was that about 80% of pending cases were awaiting action by the Ombudsman’s Office. Only 29 cases were outstanding for ministries since changes in policies and procedures now provided a more streamlined service.

The Public Service not only works in a structured and efficient way to resolve such complaints, but considers that the Ombudsman needs to have the same purpose as the Public Service – that of rendering the best service to the citizen. That is why Mr Cutajar has included in the publication a number of proposals to make the Ombudsman’s Office stronger and visible.

He mentioned how the time had come to introduce Standard Operating Procedures, as followed in many Ombudsman Offices across Europe. This would mean that the Ombudsman would no longer accept cases that had not gone through a specified process. The Ombudsman should be the last resort. He said that these Standard Operating Procedures should also be adopted in other activities of the Ombudsman’s Office, including staff employment. He stressed that even those safeguarding governance in the Public Service needed to demonstrate transparency to inspire greater trust.

President of Malta George Vella showed appreciation towards the work and efforts being done by the Public Administration. Such publications have been described as fruitful and a showcase for good governance and transparency.

Mr Cutajar was accompanied by Joyce Dimech, Permanent Secretary, and Carlos Tabone, Director at the Office of the Principal Permanent Secretary.

Photo: PPS