The Ministry for Solidarity and Social Justice, the Family and the Rights of the Child has sealed an agreement to further help the Jean Antide Foundation continue to provide services to women who have emerged from the problem of domestic violence and help them reintegrate in society.
This agreement was made on the eve of the international day against violence against women. The Foundation provides the SOAR – Survival of Abuse with Resilience program, and this agreement will guarantee the management of SOAR for the next three years. This will be done with funding of € 130,500 over a period of three years (2021-2023).
Minister for Solidarity and Social Justice, Family and Children’s Rights Michael Falzon said this agreement will be leading to more support for female victims, both on an individual level and support given to groups.
Minister Falzon said the ministry will continue to help such individuals and organizations because it truly believes in justice and social equality. He added that the ministry has 48 social agreements with NGOs that all do good in the community, funding amounting to € 17 million a year.