Prime Minister Robert Abela, along with Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister Chris Fearne, attended a session by the Covid-19 Incident Command Group, at Mater Dei Hospital.
This group, set up in February, is made up of a number of professionals, doctors and consultants who take care of an immediate analysis of the current situation in the hospital. This is with the aim of anticipating the needs of the workers and welcoming them in the best possible way for any eventuality.
The group is made up of permanent members representing various departments while others join them as needed. Through the Incident Command Group, all hospital staff is adapting as needed and ensuring that the health service continues to be provided with professionalism.
At the same visit, Dr Abela and Mr Fearne visited the Department of Pathology where they saw how this department is working tirelessly to cope with the normal tests of the health system as well as the tests related to Covid- 19. In fact, this department not only offers a service to the Mater Dei Hospital but also works on the tests of the Boffa Hospital, the Mount Carmel Hospital, the St. Vincent de Paule Residence and the health centers of the government.
The Prime Minister thanked this team for their dedication and work which is being translated into trust and gratitude by all the people.
Deputy Prime Minister emphasized the importance of each and every one of us continuing to follow the advice and measures of the health authorities so that our hospitals continue to offer a service of excellence as we are accustomed to.