The President of Malta presides over ‘The Malta Businesswoman of the Year Awards’

The Malta Businesswoman of the Year Awards’ serve as an excellent opportunity to recognise women’s determination to break free from socio-cultural expectations and gender ascribed roles and instead embark on an entrepreneurial journey and progress to the top positions in the company they work at.

This was stated by President George Vella during ‘The Malta Businesswoman of the Year Awards’ ceremony.

The President described as very encouraging the fact that the number of women occupying top positions in the public sector now stands at 46 per cent, a figure which doubled in the past seven years. In his speech, he said that he hoped that this would set an example and that the private sector would also aspire to reach these targets. Above all, he augured that more companies would introduce family-friendly measures and life-long learning schemes that promote gender balance and equal opportunities.

Caroline Buhagiar Klass, Head of Human Resource and Corporate Sustainability at HSBC Malta said that this year’s nominees showed that the Maltese community is rich in success stories of women and hopes that more women will be inspired by the awardees of this ceremony.

‘The Malta Businesswoman of the Year Awards’ were launched in 2018 with the aim of recognising women and their role in the business world.

Photo: OPR