Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Evarist Bartolo has held a press event to commemorate UN Day.
2020 marks the 75th year since the United Nations’ inception. Over the years, the United Nations has repeatedly served as a beacon of hope and a point of reference for all countries.
Set up immediately after the Second World War ‘to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war’. Overall, it has done exactly that, whilst at the same time sustaining global economic and social development and the promotion and protection of human rights. New realities and global challenges have required that the organisation continue to transform itself to remain at the core of the multilateral system.
In his address, Minister Evarist Bartolo stressed that global challenges, such as climate change, poverty, discrimination, and the current pandemic, require global solutions, and there is no better place to find such solutions than within the United Nations.
He added that this crucial role took centre stage in Geneva today, where the Libyan rival factions signed a peace agreement and committed to a permanent ceasefire in all regions of the country. This augurs well not only for the long-suffering Libyan people, but for the entire international community and in particular neighbouring countries such as Malta, which welcomes this positive news.
Moving on, Minister Bartolo underlined the substantial contribution that young people can make to international dialogue and, with firm confidence in their potential, he launched a competitive selection process for Malta’s first Youth Delegate to the UN.
The Maltese Youth Delegate to the United Nations is a position created by the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs in line with Malta’s commitment as a United Nations member to strengthen effective participation of youth in society and in decision-making.
The Youth Delegate is expected to engage with young people in Malta and at the United Nations in New York, virtually and in person, on the work of the United Nations and international issues, in addition to elevating youth voices in the global conversation, thereby reflecting their concerns.
Further information on this call for applications may be accessed through the Ministry website; https://foreignandeu.gov.mt/en/Pages/Home.aspx.
To commemorate the 75th anniversary of the UN, besides launching the selection process for a Malta Youth Delegate, the Ministry has also published a booklet for children on the UN and shared a commemorative video which can be viewed on the Ministry’s website and social media platforms.