Watch: Heritage Minister distributes funds for cultural activities

Minister for National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government José Herrera distributes funds for cultural societies.

Minister for National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government José Herrera announced that, for the first time, funds of up to €160,000 will be issued to organisations related to culture, societies and feasts. Following an evaluation of the submitted projects, 35 projects by different voluntary organisations were selected.

Minister Herrera explained how the government has been assisting Maltese folklore and traditions for several years, and that this has led to band clubs being given financial assistance. Over the years the concept has expanded, and the Malta Arts Council has continued to help organisations related to the Maltese feast. He said that the government will remain committed to continuing this type of financial aid over the years.

Executive Chairman of the Malta Arts Council Albert Marshall said that, through these funds, more recognition is being given to the important work being carried out in the artisan and artistic field, as well as within cultural associations, as we believe that feasts are part of the national heritage.

Eric Fenech, from the Malta Arts Council, explained that they received a total of 80 applications from different voluntary organisations. Various organisations will be restoring their current street decorations, as well as commissioning new street decorations from Maltese artists. Thus, the fund will also be assisting Maltese artists in these difficult economic times due to the pandemic.

The official results have been published on the official website of the Malta Arts Council.