An active summer for HSBC Malta Foundation

The HSBC Malta Foundation, HSBC Malta employees, and a number of MCAST students
who are presently doing an apprenticeship with HSBC Bank Malta, have been supporting a
number of initiatives during the summer months. In addition, they have also been helping
Skolasajf to deliver a more varied programme to participants. 

The MCAST students have, in fact, volunteered nearly 200 hours to Skolasajf and also to a
number of NGO’s like Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti, JAYE, Nature Trust and Inspire. Among
the projects and activities to benefit was “Building a Financially Capable Generation”, a series of online sessions coordinated by JA Worldwide and HSBC, for which 100 Maltese young people aged between 12 and 16 attended. Additionally, students supported a digital
documentation project being undertaken by Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti and “Treasures by
Inspire”, the shop run by the Inspire Foundation which sells items donated by the public.

Volunteers who attended Skolasajf also assisted in the delivery of various HSBC Malta
Foundation supported programmes. These varied from educational initiatives such as Maths
lessons organised by ĠEMMA, to life skills provided by the Malta Girl Guides and the
Prince’s Trust International Achieve Programme, Street Sports by the organisation MOVE.
Other social programmes were created by Missio and CORE.

Glenn Bugeja, Corporate Sustainability Manager at HSBC Malta, said: “At a time when many of us have been living an unusual COVID-19 reality, the HSBC Malta Foundation has
continued to provide support to numerous organisations. This summer we have once
again given  students and our staff members the opportunity to volunteer on various projects, including the opportunity to team up with the Foundation for Educational Services to provide Skolasajf students with an introduction to various life skills. This initiative gives them the opportunity to engage with the community in a positive and constructive manner.
The MCAST students will also obtain a certificate for the hours they contributed. The HSBC
Malta Foundation thanks these MCAST students for their collaboration in such an important