The first sectoral agreement was signed with the members of the Maltese Armed Forces

“We want to see the Army grow, strengthen and move forward” – Prime Minister Robert Abela.

Prime Minister Robert Abela together with the Minister for the Interior, National Security and Law Enforcement Byron Camilleri presided over the first sectoral agreement with the members of the Armed Forces of Malta which will see the fund of the Army salaries increase by € 8.2 million a year.

This sectoral agreement, which will see 1,750 soldiers enjoy a substantial improvement in their conditions, is the first of its kind because the soldiers were representatives from the union of their choice after the Government gave this right to members of the disciplined forces.

At a news conference at the Army Air Wing, Prime Minister Robert Abela said that with this agreement we will continue to see the Army grow, strengthen and move forward. He claimed that a Government led by him indeed and with evidence believes in the work of the disciplined forces.

I did not come here today to announce any austerity measures, any new taxes or a reduction in benefits due to the pandemic. I came to announce the largest financial package that the soldier has ever benefited from “, stressed Dr Abela.

He added that today the Government is investing in human resources, at the heart of the Army, in a very strong way. At the same time, unprecedented investment is being made in terms of equipment for the Army. All this, said the Prime Minister, is being done to enable the soldiers to perform their duties in the best way and with the help of the best equipment available.

With this agreement all soldiers will climb a ladder. This will improve their pay and eventually have a positive impact on their pensions. With this agreement the soldiers will start to be compensated financially for the hours worked after 40 hours. This principle came into force under this administration where workers of the Disciplined Bodies are paid for the hours they work. To date, soldiers have worked a number of overtime hours per week, over 40 hours, for which they were not paid. Dr Abela added that what the Government is doing today is a small awareness of the relentless work that soldiers do, away from their relatives and in circumstances that are sometimes even risky for them. The agreement also ensures that there will be substantial increases in the allowances that already exist in the Armed Forces of Malta. With this step, certain specializations will be better recognized.

“I am making a final appeal. Do not let anyone or any circumstance discourage you or discourage you from continuing with your work. Leave politics and worries to us, don’t pay attention to those who push you in the middle, keep working for our Malta, we are with you and behind you “, the Prime Minister appealed to them.

While claiming that the journey of strengthening the conditions of the members of the Disciplined Forces did not start here, the Prime Minister said that with this agreement the Government will also take care to rectify the financial situation in agreement with -Police as well as with members of the Civil Protection last week. He said that next to him are the guards of the Kordin Correctional Facility with the aim that they also take the necessary increases so that their efforts will also be compensated.

Interior, National Security and Law Enforcement Minister Byron Camilleri explained that the government does not thank the workers in words only. “Today we rejoice together because the country is saluting your work,” said Minister Camilleri, who explained how this agreement gives greater value and respect to the work carried out by the members of the Armed Forces of Malta.