Presentation of the National Audit Office’s new Strategic Plan a2024-2028 to the Speaker of the House of Representatives

This morning the Auditor General, Charles Deguara, accompanied by his Deputy, Noel Camilleri, presented to the Speaker of the House of Representatives Anġlu Farrugia the new Strategic Plan of the National Audit Office for the coming five years.

As stated in the Auditor General’s foreword, essentially ‘the NAO’s strategic goals are structured around the need of strengthening of its institutional capacity, enhancing audit impact, improving stakeholder communication, optimising public visibility, and advancing methodological and technological practices. These goals are geared towards strengthening the NAO’s role as a vigilant guardian, ensuring quality work in line with auditing standards, and fostering effective communication and collaboration with stakeholders’.

This comprehensive document was compiled by an internal strategy team, in practice representing all sections— both auditing as well as administrative—within the NAO.  In essence, it is based on a very extensive consultation process carried out during this year during which we sought the views and proposals of both internal as well as external stakeholders, including the members of the Public Accounts Committee.

Speaker Anglu Farrugia conveyed his appreciation for the sterling work carried out within the National Audit Office in view of its primary objective of providing assurance to Parliament, and ultimately to all taxpayers, that public funds are being used for the purposes for which they were provided by the House of Representatives, in line with prevailing rules and regulations and in an efficient and effective manner.