Until Wednesday 13 December, main streets in Victoria will be transformed into a Christmas Village through the activity ‘Natalis Notabilis’ organized by the non-governmental organization that bears the same name. The inauguration of the activity was done by the Minister for Inclusion, Volunteering and Consumer Rights Julia Farrugia Portelli together with the Mayor of the locality Sandro Craus, and Charlo Vassallo on behalf of the association. This is the fifth edition of ‘Natalis Notabilis’.
Minister Farrugia Portelli said that it is gratifying that as a Ministry we are supporting this activity, which apart from including the volunteering aspect, the goal behind this activity is noble because it will serve to money is collected for charity and it will also serve to preserve our cultural heritage when it comes to Christmas parties. “Volunteering is a national treasure that we should cherish and fear for. We strongly believe in it even more when we consider that we have registered more than 1,860 voluntary associations. Our conviction is reflected in the fact that over the last 15 years the Government has invested around €14 million in this sector, funds that have led to projects in our towns and villages to they are enjoyed by their communities”, stressed Minister Julia Farrugia Portelli.
Sandro Craus, Mayor of Victoria, said that the Council is satisfied that the Natalis Notabilis activity is being staged again and gives a festive look to streets that are cultural heritage in themselves. “I am sure that the success achieved in the previous editions will be achieved again”, said Mayor Rabti. Charlo Vassallo on behalf of the organizing association of the activity expressed his thanks for the help they received from the Ministry for Inclusion, Volunteering and Consumer Rights which he described as instrumental in being able to continue the organizational work . He expressed satisfaction that there was a record number of applications to participate in this Christmas Village and that this continued to encourage them to continue with their work.
After the inauguration, Minister Julia Farrugia Portelli, accompanied by the Mayor Sandro Craus and Charlo Vassallo, went around the armed festive stalls and was given information about their work so they could participate in this activity. The number of participants for this edition amounted to 80, which is a record number and of which 11 are voluntary organisations.