New Year’s message from MFA President

As we look back on the past 12 months, we can safely say that, compared to the previous year, 2022 has gradually restored a sense of normality. People returned to their usual activities in every sector of the society and football was no exception.

All the ‘normal’ things we used to do on a regular basis, but which had become a challenge due to the global pandemic, were resumed according to our usual routine, without restrictions or exceptions. As administrators, this situation filled us with courage to restart living football the way we know, and the way we love, inspired by the euphoria of our children, the competitive spirit among the players, and the enthusiasm of the fans. We were resilient, doing our utmost to live up to the expectations.

We witnessed exciting and keenly-contested domestic competitions, impressive performances on the European scene at club level while our national teams began to show the identity resulting from the sterling work carried out by our Technical Centre in Ta’ Qali throughout the year. There were also areas where we didn’t manage to achieve our objectives but this has not dampened our resolve to reach our targets and meet the expectations of the Maltese people with regard to our national teams who represent the colours of our country.

In 2022, the Malta Football Association continued to evolve, strengthening its governance structures while ensuring that the adopted reforms were successfully implemented. From a sports administration perspective, it is very satisfying to see that the clubs and member associations continued with their mission in the community. Through football, we continued to convey a strong message in favour of inclusion, with the participation of thousands of children, women and men who take part in football activities all year round in every village and town in Malta and Gozo.

It is indeed our firm intention to further consolidate our work in the community thanks to the willingness and enthusiasm of all the people forming part of this movement who dedicate so much time and energy to develop the sporting and character formation of the children at our sports centres. They play a crucial role in their pathway from children to adolescents to adults capable of facing the challenges of life, making a positive impact and offering support to those around them.

I am convinced that in the coming year, with determination and courage, we will sustain and strengthen our work in line with our vision as our sights are set on more positive performances and results.

I wish all the members within the Association and all those who support and follow us a new year filled with peace and fruitful work.

Looking forward to meeting you in 2023.