Minister Byron Camilleri attends MED5 summit held in Cyprus

Minister for Home Affairs, Security, Reforms and Equality Byron Camilleri attended the MED5 summit in Cyprus together with the ministers responsible for home affairs and migration of Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Spain. The discussions focused on the progress of the negotiations on the European Union’s Pact on Migration and Asylum as well as the situation at the EU’s external borders.

The Ministers thanked the European Commission and participating Member States for their efforts to implement the solidarity declaration agreed upon in the EU Home Affairs Council in June. They noted that, notwithstanding the support by some Member States in terms of relocation, the pledges made so far are not comparable to the number of irregular arrivals at the EU’s external borders.

Minister Camilleri stressed that while relocation is crucial, it must complement the EU’s efforts on the external dimension. He was referring to the collaboration with third countries on the prevention of irregular crossings, the fight against people smuggling and the return of failed asylum seekers.

He stated that “Acting faster on supporting the efforts of transit countries to fight criminal smuggling networks, reduces the number of persons who risk or lose their lives at sea. There are solutions – and these must be drafted and implemented together with these third countries.”

He referred to the strategy adopted by Malta with respect to the prevention of irregular arrivals, the sharing of responsibility through relocation and the return of failed asylum seekers. “If a country can do so much by itself, the situation can certainly change with the collective determination and resources of all the EU Member States,” stated Minister Camilleri.

The Ministers of Malta, Cyprus, Greece and Spain signed a joint statement in anticipation of the next Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting to be held on the 14th October.