Malta will be given €817 million for projects in favor of competitiveness, the environment, and social projects

Malta will be given €817 million in European funds for the years 2021-2027 to continue carrying out projects in favor of competitiveness and innovation, projects in favor of the environment and the circular economy, and social projects. This is after the European Commission approved the Partnership Agreement with Malta after talks with the Maltese Government.

The priorities and investments that the Maltese Government will be carrying out have been approved by the European Commission in the Malta Partnership Agreement for the years 2021-2027. This means that when you add the allocation issued by the Maltese Government to the €817 million that will be given in European funds, we will carry out a total of €1.2 billion in investments and projects, in Malta and Gozo , in these areas. These are projects that will improve the quality of people’s lives and create more economic activity that will lead to opportunities to create new jobs, to create innovative economic sectors, and more economic growth.

The Partnership Agreement agreed upon by the European Commission to give our country €817 million in funds includes the Cohesion Fund, the European Regional Development Fund, the Just Transition Fund, the Social Fund European, and the European Fund for Maritime Affairs, Fisheries and Aquaculture.

The European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira said that with the approval of the Partnership Agreement, with the projects that will be carried out, Malta has taken another step forward in the European Union’s efforts to offer prosperity projects , more inclusion, and projects that will help transition to a cleaner environment and digital transition.

The European Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs Nicolas Schmit and the European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius positively noted that with the priorities that Malta has will continue to improve social inclusion, more opportunities will be created, and improvements will be made in the fishing and aquaculture sector.

The Minister for the Economy, European Funds and Lands Silvio Schembri welcomed the European Commission’s approval of the funds for our country. “In the past we have shown the great advances we have made in our country even through European funds. With this new package of funds we will continue to see that Malta’s economy will be more innovative and competitive.”

Minister Schembri also said that European funds will be used for environmental projects to see a transition towards a greener economy, energy security, and digital transformation.

The Parliamentary Secretary for European Funds Chris Bonett welcomed with satisfaction the approval of the European Commission and claimed that he looks ahead, so that in the coming months our country starts implementing the projects and investments that the government is negotiating with the European Commission.

Chris Bonett stated that our country is expected to continue on the success of the previous European funds program, and looks forward to the new European funds program so that our country continues to create more opportunities to grow the economy of country.