PN only hope for Malta Bernard Grech tells supporters

PN leader Bernard Grech speaking to protestors in Valletta

As thousands of Nationalist Party supporters gathered in Valletta on Sunday to protest against the Labour government, PN leader Bernard Grech told them that Robert Abela’s government had failed on a number of fronts.

Grech cited the rising cost of living, a lack of economic direction, a healthcare system struggling with long waiting lists and shortages of medicines.

Nearly every ministry came under attack from Grech. Infrastructure, national security, congested roads and the fight against drugs,

He thumped the government for its handling of the recent theft of 226kg of drugs from the army barracks.

Bernard Grech claimed that a promised new hospital for Gozo still had not happened, the connection between the islands was not good enough and people were finding it difficult to find employment.

A Nationalist Party government was the only hope for the country he told supporters.