Minister Byron Camilleri advocates for Malta at Brussels Council Meeting

Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri (R)

The Minister for Home Affairs, Security and Employment, Byron Camilleri attended the Council meeting of Home Affairs Ministers in Brussels. The meeting focused mainly on irregular migration and Schengen related matters.

Minister Camilleri emphasised the importance of the Schengen Area to the European Union and noted how prevention of irregular migration and an effective return system are two key pillars of a well-functioning, robust and secure Schengen area. While positively noting the decrease in irregular arrivals and the increase in the rate of returns registered in the European Union in 2024, Minister Camilleri stated that significant efforts are still required and called on the European Union to follow in Malta’s footsteps.

In this regard, Minister Camilleri underscored the success registered by Malta in recent years in the decrease of irregular migration to its shores, thanks to increased investment in the competent national authorities, the establishment of a dedicated returns unit and increased outreach with key third countries, both of transit and origin. These efforts have resulted in a 93% decrease in the number of irregular arrivals registered in 2024 when compared to five years earlier, while the ratio of returns compared to irregular arrivals to 83.2% in 2023 and 68% in 2024.

The Minister highlighted the critical need for a new legal framework for returns that delineates clear obligations and consequences for non-cooperation by returnees. The Minister also underscored the need for increased engagement with key third countries of origin and transit, including through the finalization of comprehensive and mutually beneficial agreements.

Minister Camilleri signalled Malta’s support for the revised timelines on the implementation of the interoperability of large-scale EU IT Systems, and the progressive start of the Entry/Exit. Malta stands ready to start implementing these new systems.

In the margins of the Council Meeting, Minister Camilleri held an informal meeting with the new Commissioner for Internal Affairs and Migration, Magnus Brunner. Topics discussed included Malta’s success in reducing irregular flows, and the need for EU to step on prevention, assisting those in need of international protection, whilst returning those not in need of international protection. In this regard the Minister highlighted the importance of a new legal framework for returns that delineates clear obligations and consequences for non-cooperation by returnees.

Photo: MHSE