The rental market in Gozo has evolved and has attracted not only tourists but workers and individuals who choose to retire to this island. The improvement in connectivity has continued to make Gozo more attractive.
The Minister for Gozo and Planning Clint Camilleri and the Minister for Social and Affordable Accommodation Roderick Galdes addressed a conference entitled ‘The Residential Rental Market in Gozo’ where various challenges and opportunities related to this subject were discussed.
This conference was organized by the Gozo Regional Development Authority (GRDA) and the Housing Authority after they published a discussion document on the residential rental market in Gozo. While expressing his satisfaction for this initiative, Minister Clint Camilleri noted that this is another step towards effective cooperation between the authorities so that Gozo continues to develop in a sustainable manner. This while stressing the ongoing work of the government to address the affordability of rents, particularly for those facing social challenges.
He mentioned the social housing project in the Cawla area, Victoria Gozo, where apartments and recreational spaces were developed for a stronger community. On a broader note, Minister Camilleri mentioned that the rental market in Gozo has evolved over the last ten years.
From a market aimed almost exclusively at tourism, it has now attracted not only workers but also those who choose to retire to this island, thanks to better connectivity, such as an improved Gozo Channel service, the fast ferry and future projects like the Airfield in Xewkija.
Minister Clint Camilleri also referred to the Park & Ride project in Ta’ Xħajma, which helps to address the parking challenges in the Port of Mġarr. He said that, “These initiatives are part of a wider vision to make Gozo more accessible and sustainable for both residents and tourists”. With a clear vision for quality tourism, he promised that the work will continue to implement a diversified economy and a strong rental market that reflects the socio-economic changes in Gozo.
Minister Camilleri concluded by saying that the developments did not happen on their own but are the result of great work over the last few years while he said that this government is committed to continuing to work to strengthen Gozo for a more sustainable future.
Minister Roderick Galdes claimed that with the introduction of the Act on Private Residential Rentals in 2020, registered rentals in Gozo have increased drastically. He made reference to the reforms carried out in the field of rent in 2018 and in 2021 respectively, which reform is a strong testimony of social and affordable housing.

“Studies like this establish a solid foundation for a constructive discussion about the needs of the rental market in Gozo in the coming months and years. As a government we will continue to show a proactive mentality not only by listening to what the parties concerned have to say, but also by doing what is necessary to continue improving the rental market in Malta and Gozo”, claimed Minister Galdes.

The Chief Executive of the Gozo Regional Development Authority Mario Borg also spoke, who stated that, “The Authority is promoting this discussion on the residential rental market as we believe that this subject has an important role that is closely linked to the three main points on which the Regional Development Strategy for Gozo is built, namely the sensible use of land, an economy that improves the quality of life, and the strengthening of identity Gozitans”.
Photos (MGP/MSAA)