Prime Minister Robert Abela addressed the EU Council summit which focused, among others, on the shifting realities affecting the war on Ukraine and possible solutions to irregular immigration.
In comments after the meeting Prime Minister Abela explained how the election of US President Donald Trump brought a different dimension to this conflict. The Prime Minister stressed that while support to the Ukrainian people should not be in any way decreased – as this is a war of aggression on Ukraine by Russia, one cannot ignore the fact that thousands of innocent people have already died in this conflict.
He explained how some countries are arguing that this is a war that the European Union cannot afford to lose – on behalf of Malta he had made the case for realism and pragmatism. “Time is up for the narrative of winners and losers. The end to all fighting is the only win that matters in Ukraine. And I believe that at this juncture there is a real possibility that with a dose of realism from all parties – Ukraine, Russia, together with the efforts of the Trump administration and the EU – we can send a message that we really can achieve this result.” He explained that this should not mean that the Ukrainians being forced to lose any part of its sovereignty – but to find solutions around the table. “After 3 years of war if we do not adopt a different approach we will have more years of war that lead us nowhere,” the Prime Minister concluded on this subject.
Referring to returns policy in the context of irregular immigration, Prime Minister Robert Abela referred to a meeting held at the margins of the European Council with 10 other leaders including European Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen. He explained how the European Commission’s plan for 2025 should lead to an effective policy on irregular immigration.
“We are no longer in a situation whereby Malta stands alone and nothing is done on an EU level on irregular immigration – as was the case until a few years ago. It was encouraging to see 10 Member States agreeing on the way forward. One of Malta’s greatest successes in irregular immigration policy – was our returns policy, whereby we have endeavoured diligently and succeeded. I now want to see the same effective results achieved on a European level,” stated Prime Minister Abela.

Photos: OPM