During a visit to Mater Dei Hospital, the wife of the Prime Minister, Dr Lydia Abela, launched the third edition of ‘Gift with Love with a Difference.’

This even after the fifth edition of ‘Rigal b’Imhàbà’ was launched last week in the Berġa of Castille. A campaign where gifts are collected for less fortunate children who are not in a position to receive a gift at Christmas. Thus through this campaign, the whole country will be able to contribute so that no child in our country will be without gifts during these festive times.
‘Gift with Love with a Difference’ goes hand in hand with the ‘Gift with Love’ initiative as it also thinks about the animals in the sanctuaries in our country. This initiative was spurred by the desire of dear Jake Vella, who left this world earlier this year, in order to collect food products for animals or related products at the entrance of Mater Dei Hospital.
Dr. Lydia Abela recalled the memory of Jake who with the courage of a gentleman continued to fight the rare disease he had with an altruistic and positive sense, until the end. “I remember when two years ago we fulfilled Jake’s dream and for the first time we started the initiative ‘Gift with Love with a Difference’ so that in these times, when everyone is buying gifts, they also think for abandoned animals, buy food and animal products and gather here, in the main hall of the hospital,” remarked Dr. Abela as she also claimed the great success of the last two editions of this initiative.
Here, she again made an invitation for everyone who can help and think of the abandoned animals and leave their products in the main hall of the Mater Dei Hospital, in this festive period. This is to make Jake’s dream come true again.
“I have no doubt that the altruistic sense and the beautiful values of all Maltese and Gowis will translate into making ‘Rigal b’Imhabba b Diffferenza’ once again a success like the past editions. We gave Jake our word that every December we will come here and give life to this hall again with this initiative. Let’s together keep that word we gave Jake and this dream he had to continue to make it come true,” concluded Dr. Lydia Abela.
Minister for Health and Active Aging Jo Etienne Abela, who was present during this visit, said that this is a gesture that will recall the memory of the young Jake Vella who had inspired many. He recalled, that although Jake was fighting and fighting a number of challenges, he always saw how he would help others, especially animals. He also reminded how on Sunday 15 December, the walk “Paw Walk” will be staged again – an activity that Jake Vella had created for the benefit of the abandoned animals in the AAA sanctuary. As happened in previous years, this walk will be leaving from the Mater Dei Hospital at ten in the morning and everyone is invited to attend this walk together with their pets.

“It is certain that for another year, the Maltese and the Gowis will return and maintain a successful ‘Gift with Love with a Difference’ like the past editions. Certainly this was the thought that Jake had for this year, to help as many sanctuaries and animals as possible,” Minister Abela concluded.
Photos: OPM