“A consultation with young people has resulted in important recommendations regarding the Labor Migration Policy, which will be included in the final document that will be released for public consultation.” Prime Minister Robert Abela announced this as he met with the elected executive of the University Student Council, the KSU, in order to point out the importance of the involvement of young people in the design of our country’s policy.
In fact, Dr. Abela was talking about recommendations that came out of the Youth Advisory Forum recently and that it meets at least once a month to discuss important themes in our country. In the same way with the KSU, Prime Minister Robert Abela supported the importance of these types of meetings and how he would like these meetings with the KSU to continue to be held regularly. He explained that the Labor Migration Policy will be addressing the labor sector and continue to take important decisions that have already been taken in favor of the dignity of workers and the need for foreign workers in sectors where necessary only.
“I always enjoy hearing from you young people and every meeting I have with young people is a great value. I will have the Youth Advisory Forum. Last week I had another meeting – I consider it as a Cabinet meeting – Youth Cabinet. I look forward to continuing to speak with you as a Council”, asserted the prime minister.
Meanwhile, Dr. Abela mentioned Malta Vision 2050 and how it also incorporates the aspirations of young people among them regarding the educational and environmental sectors. “We have strategic goals on this. We have Malta Vision 2050 with goals that we want to reach by 2035, just another ten years. This vision, you have to be the catalysts that activate it and make it a reality. You young people who want to see a better tomorrow than today,” said the prime minister while also explaining that this government will continue to give importance to other important themes such as mental health, which in the last Budget this reality continued to be given more visibility through mental health care services that are more in the community.
Dr. Abela concluded by asserting that above all every theme we discuss, every point we raise we must do it against the status quo. “You are the ones who can fight this the most. We will continue to invest in young people, in the education of students because the future of our country depends on you. We believe in you and are convinced that our country has a bright future,” said the prime minister.
Accompanying the Prime Minister Robert Abela for this meeting was the Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation Clifton Grima, the Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Research and Innovation Keith Azzopardi Tanti, and the Head of the Secretariat within the Office of the Prime Minister Mark Mallia.