The Minister for Gozo and Planning Clint Camilleri visited the ongoing works on the newly built road, Triq ġorġ Pisani, while the first part of it began to be paved. This road is part of the Marsalforn Road project, and in fact, work is currently underway on the first phase of the project which consists of the rebuilding of three roads and the opening of George Pisani Street.

Minister Clint Camilleri said that more work is underway with the aim of diverting traffic from the heart of Rabat as soon as the Wara s-Sur junction will be fully reopened in a few days so that it can start taking part well from the traffic that is going to or coming from Zebbuġ, Għasri, Għarb and San Lawrenz. More than that, the work on the new Jorg Pisani road is progressing with the construction of the services, culverts and in a few more days the bridge that passes over the valley will be built.
Minister Camilleri went on to explain that the first phase of the work consisted of the construction of Triq ġorġ Pisani and the reconstruction of Triq Patri Giancintu Camenzuli. After the excavation was completed, where the historical heritage that was found was preserved, work began and was completed on the first part of Triq Ēorġ Pisani. This work consisted of cutting trenches to allow water, electricity and drainage services to pass through, and storm water culverts.
He announced that it is being projected that Triq Ēorġ Pisani will be opened for the first time next February and once it is opened almost all the traffic coming or going from Marsalforn will start to pass through it. He pointed out that, “With these two projects the traffic will be fully alleviated. In the heart of the villages and our City we want to give priority to people and not to vehicles. However, this can only happen as many times as we build and give the necessary alternatives.”
In recent months in Triq ġorġ Pisani and Triq Patri Giacintu Camenzuli water reservoirs have been found which will be used again, as well as quarries and ruins from Roman times. The work was being done with the utmost care under the supervision of the Superintendence for Cultural Heritage.
Minister Clint Camilleri concluded by saying that the second phase of this project will consist of rebuilding Triq il-Kapuchini and Triq Marsalforn.
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