In a meeting between the Prime Minister Robert Abela and the US Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken at Castille both sides talked about the situation in the Middle East, Ukraine, Libya and Trans-Atlantic cooperation. In the meeting, the Maltese Prime Minister stressed the need for dialogue and cooperation in the face of current conflicts. He noted the cease-fire in Lebanon but claimed that Malta will continue to appeal for a permanent cease-fire in Gaza against the backdrop of a humanitarian situation. He said that our country remains in favor of the two-state solution for stability and peace in the region.
Regarding Ukraine, with Secretary of State Blinken, Dr. Abela noted the recent attacks that are being made on the infrastructure in the country including in the field of energy. He said that for Ukraine there is a need for a peace agreement that would be fair with it according to the principles in the United Nations Charter.
Just before Malta welcomes the Ministerial Council of the OSCE as our country held the Presidency of this largest organization for security and cooperation, Prime Minister Robert Abela also spoke about the importance of stability in Libya. and the support that this neighboring country of Malta continues to need. He said that the international community must remain pro-active and help in favor of a representative process led by Libyans for Libyans.
Regarding Trans-Atlantic relations, the Prime Minister pointed out how the strong relations between the United States and the European Union have always been the key in favor of stability and peace, even in the face of geo-political challenges. He said that our country notes the transitional period before a new administration begins in Washington. He also pointed out about the important relations that Malta has with America and these have room to continue to be strengthened in the fields of trade. Dr. Abela mentioned important areas such as artificial intelligence, pharmaceuticals and education among others, where Malta and America can continue to cooperate on them.
Accompanying the Prime Minister Robert Abela in the meetings with the US Secretary of State Antony J. Blinkien were among others the Chief Permanent Secretary Tony Sultana, the Permanent Secretary within the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Tourism Christopher Cutajar and the Head of the Secretariat within the Office of the Prime Minister Mark Mallia.
Photos: OPM/DOI