During a news conference, Minister Anton Refalo together with Parliamentary Secretary Alicia Bugeja Said, gave an update on the progress of the reform that is being implemented in the Directorate for the Appropriate Treatment of Animals. They mentioned a large number of initiatives that were carried out with the aim of further protecting animal rights.
Among the progress made during this first year of the reform, several achievements were mentioned that took place from the seven pillars that are part of the reform, including the number of workers when it comes to controls and rescue that increased by 50% of the workers there, the number for reports in cases of emergency or alleged abuses has been changed so that now these calls are taken by the representatives of Servizz.gov on 153 – extension 17 to have a more timely and effective response, as well as adding two new ambulances equipped with the best technology for rescuing animals.
Minister Anton Refalo listed the work being done so that this sector continues to be one of quality. “Through this reform, which I know how much work is being done in order to complete it completely by 2026, we will see that the Directorate for the Appropriate Treatment of Animals is strengthened and given the necessary resources in favor of our animals. Committed to continue the work on the seven pillars of this reform in favor of the protection of animals.”

Parliamentary Secretary Alicia Bugeja Said praised the operation of the Directorate and said “We are seeing the fruits of the reform that we started towards the end of 2022 where even the number of phone calls has tripled so that this year we have already seen more than 10,000 phone calls. Controls, confiscations, and even disciplinary steps are being increased when it comes to animal cruelty, so that we can protect animal rights more,” said the Parliamentary Secretary.
During the conference a survey was also presented by Dr. Vincent Marmara about the Directorate of Animal Welfare. “From this survey it is clearly seen how much the commitment that all Animal Welfare workers are carrying out is felt even among the public where almost 90% of those who were asked, have confidence in the work that is being done carries out the Directorate,” concluded the Parliamentary Secretary Bugeja Sajd.