The Foundation for Social Welfare Services (FSWS) continued to strengthen its operation in the community through more investment in the services it offers together with more engagement of professionals.
In fact, the financial investment during the year 2023 reached €30.6 million, with the majority of this allocation going to support the services offered free of charge to customers around Malta and Gozo. During this same year, FSWS professionals worked with 21,000 cases, with 10,000 of them still being followed up on a regular basis.
The Support Agency worked the most with clients among all FSWS sections, when they worked with 9,000 cases while the Directorate for Child Protection worked with 4,360 cases during the year 2023. The sectors related to health, child abuse, addictions, domestic violence and mental health were among the services most requested by FSWS clients.
These details were given during a news conference during which the services offered by the Foundation during the year 2023 were discussed.
The Minister for Social Policy and Children’s Rights Michael Falzon emphasized that the government will continue to strengthen its social investment. The minister continued that apart from the financial investment, committed to continue with the strengthening of social workers and services linked to new realities such as loneliness and lack of human contact.
Chief Executive of the FSWS, Alfred Grixti praised the contribution of all FSWS employees, and explained how the services offered are leading to tangible results being felt in our country.