Lydia Abela with a discussion that brought both sides of the House together about mental health

A service of psycho-therapists in schools will continue to grow In the time to come, the service of psycho-therapists offered in schools will continue to grow with the aim that the children will have an increasingly useful service during their educational journey.
This was said by the Prime Minister’s wife Dr. Lydia Abela during a discussion on mental health right on the world day that recalls awareness on this subject. Dr. Abela mentioned how this project that President Emeritus Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca is working on will continue to be supported so that this service continues to be strengthened.
During a discussion in which Deputies from both sides of the House of Representatives were gathered, Lydia Abela stressed the importance of national unity on the theme of mental health. She claimed that this challenge has no colors and that is why politics is an important tool so that everyone’s voice is heard while decisions are taken in favor of the people. They also participated in a discussion about the challenge of mental health in public life, stakeholders and professionals in this field who all had their say in interventions made throughout the activity.
“A study carried out last year by MISCO showed that almost seventy percent of those who had a mental health challenge, never disclosed this to their employer. We can no longer hide mental health under the carpet,” said Dr. Abela as she also mentioned the political environment of our country and the importance of respect in public life. “Criticism and scrutiny yes – everyone who enters public life knows that they will be subjected to it justly – but hatred and malice, no. We ourselves sometimes tell each other that to succeed in this public life, you have to grow a shell”. Why do you want to raise a shell? Why can’t you enter public life, give service to the best of your ability, and remain calm?”, pointed out the Prime Minister’s wife.
Before ending her intervention, Dr. Lydia Abela thanked everyone who raises awareness on mental health and mentioned how we must break the stigma and change mentality through children and young people. Here she mentioned how an important project carried out in collaboration with the Richmond Foundation continues to give visibility to the theme of mental health where ninth year students in schools are receiving training on first aid for people with health challenges. mental.
Photo: OPM