Caritas Malta celebrates the World Day for the Elderly

On the occasion of the World Day for the Elderly, today 1 October, Caritas Malta celebrated the elderly with the theme Take Care of Us and organized a celebration through a mass in the Minor Basilica of Christ the King, New Village. About 600 elderly people from the community, parishes and also from various nursing homes attended this eucharistic celebration.
The Shadow Minister for Active Aging Paula Mifsud Bonnici, Peter Paul Bonnici President of the National Council of the Elderly and the Mayor of Paola Jason Silvio also attended.
The Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Galea Curmi, accompanied by the Episcopal Vicar for the Diaconia Fr Martin Micallef and Fr Simon Sciberras, celebrated this special day with a message that Monsignor Bishop passed on to the elders where he expressed: “This is the most beautiful in life, wherever we are, we may even sometimes suffer from illness and suffering, but if we have peace in our hearts, this love that St. Paul mentions is the most beautiful thing we can have. I would like to pray a lot for you today, each and every one of you, so that the Lord will give you the help you need, and help us all to always appreciate your time; provides you with someone who walks with you and accompanies you on the path of life; and especially so that the Lord gives you peace of heart with his love, so that you can live the years that God gives you in the most beautiful way; and live them truly with a life of praise.”
The Director of Caritas Malta, Anthony Gatt expressed his appreciation for the elderly and how much they were a stick for the younger generation and wished that they at this beautiful age of theirs find a stick in their children and relatives. Residents from therapeutic homes of Caritas Malta were supportive of the elderly, especially those with mobility problems and accompanied them to enter the Basilica with more comfort.
Caritas Malta thanks the Mayor of Paola Jason Silvio and the Archpriest Fr Marc Andre Camilleri and all those who participated so that this celebration on the World Day for the Elderly could have been possible.