We remain focused on environmental obligations in the face of the phenomenon of sea level rise – Prime Minister Robert Abela addresses a United Nations High Meeting

PM Robert Abela addressing UN Security Council

“We cannot go back from obligations that we agreed on together and we must remain focused towards a clean economic operation that should lead to the goal of a reduction of a degree and a half in the temperature according to the Paris Agreement”, stressed the Prime Minister Robert Abela when in New York while the General Assembly of the United Nations is convening, he addressed a High Plenary Meeting of the United Nations.

This meeting on sea level rise was also addressed by the President of the General Assembly Dennis Francis and the Secretary General of the United Nations António Guterres. In a context that this phenomenon is a real threat even for the Mediterranean region, the Prime Minister Robert Abela recognized that even if the countries around the world remain in line with the plans against global warming, the phenomenon of sea level rise remains a major challenge. He said that therefore everyone’s efforts are important because this is a threatening challenge for humanity in general.

The Maltese Prime Minister explained how this is a challenge that affects everyone even economically. He stressed that small States including islands like Malta are at the forefront of facing this challenge in a more immediate way. The Prime Minister Robert Abela noted how in the first opportunity of the Maltese Presidency in this two-year term as a Non-Permanent Member of the Security Council within the United Nations, Malta put on the agenda the challenge of climate change also particularly when it comes to the phenomenon of sea level rise. He said that today he is satisfied that our country has contributed to this theme being at the top of the United Nations agenda.

Dr. Abela said that our country will continue to support the discussion on seriously addressing the increase in the height of the sea level. “We must act together today before tomorrow”, declared the Prime Minister in his address. He said that as an international community we must have a strong legal framework that also addresses this phenomenon because this is an aspect that must also lead to an international order when you have different interests from several countries.

Photo: OPM