“We start reaping the fruits of our work in order to attract companies in high value industries” – Minister Silvio Schembri

During a visit to Turkey the Minister for the Economy, Enterprise and Strategic Projects, Silvio Schembri visited different companies, some of them in new economic sectors for our country and which are sectors in which we want to see more investment in Malta. One of the enterprises visited by Minister Schembri is the GIMAS company.

This is a company that produces wind turbines, and that next year will be expanding its operation in Europe through a factory in Malta. “Last May we announced that GIMAS will be opening a new factory in the industrial area of ​​Ħal Far. This will lead to the creation of a number of green jobs. Quality jobs, in sustainable sectors that are the future for our country,” said Minister Schembri.

The Maltese delegation in Turkey, led by Minister Schembri also visited another company in the field of precision engineering that produces top level products where the workers are all engineers with average wages of around €45,000 per year. . Another company with which meetings were held by the Maltese delegation specializes in the research and production of molecular diagnostics for cancer diseases.

During the visit to Turkey several meetings were also held with companies in the digital field, including in video games development. In comments about this visit to Turkey, Minister Schembri said, “We are attracting to our country new economic niches in accordance with our country’s plans for the coming years where we will see less land use , less volumes of jobs, but which will be of better quality and with higher wages.”

The Maltese delegation made up of senior officials from Malta Enterprise and INDIS also attended an evening on the occasion of the 60th year of Malta’s Independence held in Istanbul.

Photos: MEEP