Investment of €10 million for infrastructure that prioritizes people

The Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Public Works Chris Bonett addressed a conference, which was attended by several representatives from local councils and non-governmental organisations, about a project that will address more sustainable mobility in localities. This project is specially made to create the best infrastructural development plan towards more accessible roads so that everyone can benefit from it.

“Everybody’s Avenue” is a new scheme that Infrastructure Malta has launched for local councils, together with non-governmental organisations, to submit proposals and ideas to transform roads and public spaces in the heart of communities into safer spaces, which reach needs of the wide range of people, while being blessed with more trees and a green environment.

This scheme, with an investment of €10 million, was inaugurated by Minister Chris Bonett who explained that this scheme aims to encourage local councils and non-governmental organizations to come forward with ideas, and that they will find financial support and technical assistance from the professionals of Infrastructure Malta.

“As a government, it is our obligation to provide the best infrastructure so that the next generation can live in a better environment than we found it. The aim of this initiative is precisely this. We are investing heavily so that our communities have the best environment that incentivizes walking and the use of bicycles over cars. It is time to start reducing the use of cars but to do so we must provide the infrastructure for it – and “Vjal Kulħod” will be doing this,” said the minister.

The CEO of Infrastructure Malta Steve Ellul said that lnfrastructure Malta is committed to welcoming proposals to strengthen infrastructure that prioritizes people. Apart from strengthening accessibility and safety for people who use the roads with speed, Mr. Ellul encouraged local councils and non-governmental organizations to give priority to the infrastructure that considers different modes of transport. , in particular the bicycle.

Mr. Ellul expressed optimism that this initiative will continue to connect the existing infrastructure of active mobility, including lines for cyclists, with new ones with the aim of reducing dependence on vehicles. The scheme also promotes an increase in the number of trees and a greater range of green environment, and better systems in the collection of rainwater.

The “Vjal Kulħadd” scheme will be kept open for six weeks with local councils being encouraged to submit proposals until 30 October 2024.

For more information about the scheme and the procedures to apply one can visit the site or write to Infrastructure Malta at .