A new collaboration agreement between the University of Malta and the Standards Authority for the Elderly

An agreement was signed between the University of Malta (UM) and the Authority for the Standards of Older Persons (OPSA) in order to strengthen the level of collaboration in the gerontology and geriatrics sectors. The agreement was signed in the presence of the Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation, Clifton Grima, the Parliamentary Secretary for Active Aging, Malcolm Paul Agius Galea, the Rector of the University of Malta, Prof. Alfred J. Vella, and the Head of the Department of Gerontology and Dementia Studies, Prof. Christian Borg Xuereb.

This agreement aims to strengthen the collaboration between OPSA and UM through the exchange of information, knowledge and research, especially in the field of services for the elderly. The agreement also provides opportunities for OPSA employees to join the Higher Diploma in Gerontology and Geriatrics course, while UM will share academic publications related to the field of gerontology to promote better practices and develop higher standards in elderly care.

Minister Clifton Grima stressed the importance of research that leads to obtaining more information and knowledge about the particular subject, but also helps the community. “The University of Malta is at the forefront of research projects in various sectors. Apart from this, through this agreement and also others that were already signed, we are seeing more opportunities opening up for students and employees to increase their knowledge about what they are studying or in the sector they are working in,” said Minister Grima.

Parliamentary Secretary Malcolm Paul Agius Galea emphasized the importance of such collaborations to strengthen the standard of care for the elderly in Malta. “This agreement will not only help to improve the level of service we offer to our elderly, but also to promote excellence in the field of gerontology. Our commitment remains to ensure that the elderly receive the best care possible, based on the best practices and research,” said Parliamentary Secretary Agius Galea.

The Rector, Prof. Alfred J. Vella, emphasized the importance of collaboration between academic entities and government authorities to improve the standard of education and services in Malta, while Prof. Christian Borg Xuereb reiterated that this agreement reflects the urgent need for more education and research in the field of gerontology and dementia studies, with an emphasis on the welfare of the elderly.

This agreement confirms the willingness of UM and OPSA to strengthen research and education in the field of elderly care, and serves as a foundation for future collaborations to improve the services offered to the elderly in Malta.