Jason Micallef pulls out of Deputy Leader race

Jason Micallef has pulled out of the race for Deputy Leader of the Labour Party for Party Affairs.

In a Facebook post, Micallef said he had a lengthy meeting with Prime Minister Robert Abela. Following that meeting he wrote on Facebook, ” I no longer feel that I should continue contesting for deputy leader for party affairs”.

Matul il-jum tal-lum kelli laqgha mal-Prim Ministru u Mexxej Laburista Robert Abela.
Flimkien, iddiskutejna fit-tul process ta’ tigdid li hemm bzonn jidhol fis-sehh fil-Partit Laburista, minn issa, sa l-elezzjoni generali li jmiss.
Illum ukoll, iltqajt mal-ewro parlamentari Laburista, u habib antik tieghi, Alex Agius Saliba.
Wara l-ezitu ta’ dawn il-laqghat, ma nhossx li ghandi ghalfejn inkompli ghaddej bil-kontestazzjoni tieghi ghall-hatra ta’ Deputat Mexxej ghall-Affarijiet tal-Partit Laburista.
Qed naghmel dan ghaliex nibqa nsostni bil-fatti f’dak li dejjem emmint, u se nkompli nemmen fih. L-interess tal-Partit Laburista, u n-nies tieghu, ghalija, jibqghu jigu dejjem u kullimkien, l-ewwel u qabel kollox.

In another twist, MEP Alex Agius Saliba said he met with Prime Minister Robert Abela and discussed the possibility of having  the party’s statute amended to allow MPs or MEPs to hold the post.